About Me

My photo
I'm a nature obsessed artist who lives in an little house in a little vilage in the Highlands of Scotland.I wander around a lot in the wilds and spend time just looking at things like birds and moths and trees and rocks. The rest of the time I'm drawing or painting, making odd things out of old stuff and drinking giant cups of peppermint tea. Imogen Greene is my pen name. I like the way it sounds and it just kind of suits what I do.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

New blog!

My new blog is up and running, please take a peek and follow me there too if you like! All the news about my upcoming exhibition will be posted there and Imogen will have this blog all to herself again. I'm itching to get some new work done for Imogen's Attic but that will have to wait until next week. Here is the link....

Detail of Seeds and Burrs 2012 Jenny McLaren

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Notes on birds and other beasts.

Groundnesting by Jenny McLaren 2011

I have managed to get all my work done for my exhibition " Notes on Birds and other Beasts" Yeeeesssss! ....... but I'm also about to start a new blog  so I will let you know when it is up and running and there will be several posts about the preparation, opening night and what happens next. I am starting to get excited about it now all the hard work is nearly done. Excited and a little bit scared!

Navigation by Jenny McLaren 2012

As you can see from the images my work as Jenny is different in style from Imogen so to simplify things I thought it would be good to have separate blogs. I'm also planning on having an on-line Jenny McLaren shop. I am wondering , however, just where am I going to find the time for all this.........

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Thanks Pia!

Illustration by Pia

A big thank you to my lovely friend Pia who kindly selected me for a Liebster award. The Liebster Award takes its name from the German word meaning Beloved, Dearest or Favorite. It is given to bloggers who have a small following - under 200 followers.
Pia is a multi talented illustrator, biologist, mother and blogger. I'd recommend a look at her blog for some bright and quirky illustrations...... and she also runs an etsy shop which you can access from the blog. You can find her post about the award here.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Walking in the snow

I just wanted to share some shots taken on my wander through the snow this morning. It was so beautiful!

Snow again!

Ok, so shorts and t-shirts weather last week and this morning we wake up to this......................I blame Davie Macleod,-" Och, it'll not come to anything" a classic prediction from the sage mountain man.
Ha Ha!

 I may or may not bother to dig the car out.........