The whole country has battened down the hatches with all this snow, but it is soooo beautiful and we have had some memorable wildlife encounters over the last few weeks including, red deer, roe deer, sparrowhawk, redpoll, goldfinch, mountain hare, an unfortunately dead pine marten on the road and a flock of 15 waxwings. I'm pretty sure all of them will be appearing in my sketchpad pretty soon.
I seem to have gotten off to a slow start this January, but I have managed to get my tax return done at least which can only be a good thing! I was busy with craft fairs in December and although I didn't do particularly well at them , I didn't do terribly badly either; plus I met some friendly people and have had repeat business through my etsy shop from one of my new customers.
I have to admit that this last year has been very hard work, but I have learned such a lot and I have confidence things will get better.......I have had some good news today that I will share in my next post!