About Me

My photo
I'm a nature obsessed artist who lives in an little house in a little vilage in the Highlands of Scotland.I wander around a lot in the wilds and spend time just looking at things like birds and moths and trees and rocks. The rest of the time I'm drawing or painting, making odd things out of old stuff and drinking giant cups of peppermint tea. Imogen Greene is my pen name. I like the way it sounds and it just kind of suits what I do.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Craft fair goodies.....


I'm ready for the Christmas craft fair tomorrow, everything is packed and ready to go; and it's not even 10 o'clock! Usually I'd still be running around at midnight....... The horse pictured above is around the same scale as the photo,about two inches long. I like the subtle changes in the original glaze of the pottery that follow the contours of the horse's body.
 The fair is over three days so it's going to be a busy weekend. You can find out more about it here. Hope you have a good weekend too!


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Exclusively Highlands Christmas Fair

painted sea pottery goodies from Imogen Greene 

I'm taking part in Exclusively Highlands Christmas Fair, it's my biggest art and craft fair yet and I'm pretty excited about it! Over 90 artisans ( that includes me!) will be at

Eden Court Theatre in Inverness
on Fri 30th November 1pm to 8pm,
Sat 1st  and Sun 2nd December 10am till 5pm.

 Makers from all over the Highlands will be selling their arts,crafts and yummy food. There will be a vast array of goods to choose from so if you want to give a unique, locally produced gift this Christmas , or just want to treat yourself, this is the place to come.

I've still got a little time to make some more new things, more necklaces are in the pipeline and new illustrations too. I will be closing my etsy shop over the time of the Fair, so if you have had your eye on something there may be a chance it won't be available after midday on the 29th.........but I will be updating the shop around the 6th of December so there will be some new work available in imogensattic before Christmas.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Hare Again


I am painting hares again. This is the first one for a while, he looks kind of laid back and solid, which I like. This painting went well but the next one was a disaster, sometimes things just don't turn out the way you would like. I'll try again tomorrow. I might put the hare in my etsy shop or I might save him for the next makers fair in two weeks time..... I'm going to be flat out making more paintings for the next little while anyway so I will try to post more images as I go. I  need to practice taking photos with my new lights, these images were taken with no natural light at all, which my camera has never coped with before, so my little £10 spotlights from ikea have been a good investment and should make life easier in these dark winter days. I'm looking forward to a busy weekend visiting family, checking out a craft fair on Sunday and painting inbetween times. It's easier and better to be busy than bored!  

P.S. this is my 100th post! Thanks for keeping up with my rather erratic ramblings !!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Wintry walk

This was taken yesterday high up in the Cairngorms, there is a big cloud of snow coming in on the left, the change in the light as it moved across the mountains was amazing, it was so dark in places and so many different shades of blue. It made me want to start painting lanscapes again. We heard ptarmigan on the coll and there were groups of red deer stags on the valley floor. A raven came and checked us out , just gliding by with a beady eye on us. First proper winter walk of this year and it was a beauty.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Some of my sea pottery brooches ready for tomorrow, the bird one is around an inch across. These pottery shards were all picked by me from a Scottish beach . The feather and bird ones show the original patterns of the pottery, I wonder how old they are?

Friday, 2 November 2012

Craft Fair preparation

I've been preparing for my next craft fair and did a practice set up this afternoon, my table is smaller than the one I'll have a the fair but I've made two folding corner boards which means they will fit on to various sized tables and are light and easy to carry. I also made removeable poles which I can string and hang more illustrations on. I still have a few labels to make and other things that I have probably forgotten about......

It's getting dark before 5pm now, chilly and snow coming at the weekend. There were a flock of fieldfares in the garden this morning and I saw redpolls yesterday, one perk of winter that I enjoy is the variety of migrant birds that we see. I'm hoping the waxwings visit again this year.

Little winter birds